Wednesday, August 5, 2009

what i really say when i write to you

Dear Peter,

Please think I have it together.
im trying really hard with no success but im trying.
ill be good at something one day.
i was good at something when i was younger.
they let em shine in high school and i will shine again.

i cant help but thing i may be fucking up. 
and it doesnt help that no one, not even my parent think i can do it


i got a job AND an apartment.
theyre cute and they mean im going somewhere in this world with my life

maybe somewhere along the line my skin peeled off and ive become invisible.
maybe no one can see me anymore

also ive been having weird dreams.
theyre funny
youd like me if you knew me
im funny and witty and if you gave me half a chance youd fall in love with me instantly, even though i dont know who i am
but with you i would be defined

validate my existence
love me
and make me worth something